My graduation project for 'Alles in beweging', a company that helps children with motor development disadventages.
'Alles in beweging' is a company that helps children with motor developmental disadvantages using Motor Remedial Teaching (MRT). MRT improves their motor skills, specifically skills that can be applied during regular PHE lessons and outside play. This encourages active participation and builds confidence during physical activity. 
Alles in beweging used to hand out homework assignments to parents and their children, to improve results of the therapy but these homework assignments were directed towards parents, whereas the children weren't taken into account. I wanted to create a product that addressed intrinsic motivation of children between the ages 6-9 with developmental disadvantages, and created the concept: Motomaatje. 
Motomaatje is a modular game that teaches children to move and play. By working together, parent and child can earn modular elements. These elements visualise children's motor growth. The storylines of the game can be altered, to appeal to different ages. Because I focused on the ages 6-9, I visualised this concept by using a monster themed storyline. 
The homework assignments that originally were used to support Motor Remedial Teaching.
Context mapping, to find out what the struggles and positive aspects of the homework assignments were. I learned that the way you explain the assignments, has a big impact on how well children participate.
During a co-creation session, I learned that children within my target audience liked interactive games. Besides, they showed interest for curiosity triggering elements and liked using their senses. 
Based on the results of my co-creation sessions, I came up with a concept to use an interactive robot, that explained the homework assignments. When I prototyped and tested this product, I leaned that this didn't meet my guiding principles, as parents were excluded from the assignments. My test subjects only paid attention to the robot, and I noticed that they didn't want to interact with other people. 
My final concept was to create a game, that stimulated parents and children to work together. In the images above, you can see how I prototyped this concept, and tested it with my target audience and their parents.
Co-creation with Thomas and Barth, to find out how they would visualize Frankenland. I took their illustrations and incorporated them in the final map of the game. 
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